Haemophilus and Other Fastidious Gram-Negative Bacilli, Atlas of Haemophilus and Other Fastidious Gram-Negative Bacilli, SUBCLINICAL ATLAS, MICROBIOLOGY ATLAS, tuyenlab.net, atlas in medical
1. Haemophilus, HACEK Group, and Similar Microorganisms
2. Legionella
3. Bordetella
Fig 1. Prevalence of gram-negative bacilli isolated from cultures in a large tertiary hospital. Data on Pasteurella, Brucella, Legionella, and Bordetella are not included. |
Fig 2. Haemophilus influenzae satellitism around and between the large, white, hemolytic staphylococci. The small, gray glistening colony is H. influenzae (arrow). |
Fig 3. Lesions of chancroid on the penis, showing draining bubo (arrow) in the adjacent groin area. Chancroid is caused by Haemophilus ducreyi. |
Fig 4. Direct smear of Haemophilus influenzae in cerebrospinal fluid in a case of meningitis. Note the intracellular and extracellular, gram-negative coccobacilli. |
Fig 5. Gram stain of a Haemophilus influenzae colony. Note the slightly more elongated bacilli. |
Fig 6. Example of Haemophilus influenzae growingon chocolate agar. Notice the tan mucoid colonies characteristic of encapsulated strains . |
Fig 7. This organism would be identified as Haemophilus influenzae because it requires both X and V factors. |
Fig 8. This organism requires V factor only would beidentified as Haemophilus parainfluenzae. |
Fig 9. This organism is positive for X factor only. The probable species is Aggregatibacter aphrophilus because this species can appear to be hemin dependent on initial isolation. |
Fig 10. Under ultraviolet light, the organism on the bottom is exhibiting a positive porphyrin reaction. The organism on the top is porphyrin negative |
Fig 11. An Aggregatibacter aphrophilus isolate that is not X factor dependent and is growing over the entire surface of a trypticase soy agar plate. |
Fig 12. Aggregatibacter aphrophilus growing onsheep blood agar. |
Fig 13. Gram stain, microscopic morphology of Aggregatibacter aphrophilus (1000×). |
Fig 14. Gram stain morphology of Aggregatibacter aphrophilus |
Fig 16. The 48-hour growth of colonies of Cardiobacterium hominis on sheep blood agar. |
Fig 17. Gram stain of Cardiobacterium hominisshowing typical “rosettes” (1000×). |
Fig 18. Growth of Eikenella corrodens on chocolate agar. |
Fig 19. Gram-stain morphology of Eikenella corrodens (1000×) |
Fig 20. Gram stain of Kingella kingae illustrating the plump bacilli in chains. Compare with the other members of the HACEK group (1000×). |
Fig 21. Growth of Capnocytophaga organisms onchocolate agar. Notice the spreading away from the center of the colony. Compare this growth with Eikenella |
Fig 22. Gram stain of Capnocytophaga organisms(1000×). Notice the thin fusiform bacilli. |
Fig 24. Pasteurella multocida growing on sheep blood agar and chocolate agar. The MacConkey agar plate is negative growth. |
Fig 25. Brucella melitensis colonies on sheep blood agar appear smooth, raised, and translucent. |
Fig 26. Francisella tularensis colonies grown onchocolate agar. Gray-white, raised colonies with a smooth appearance are visible following 72 hours of incubation. |
Fig 27. Gram stain of specimen demonstratingintracellular and extracellular Legionella pneumophila(1000×). |
3. Bordetella
Fig 32. Five-day-old colonies of Bordetella pertussison charcoal–horse blood agar (incident light from lower right corner). |
This is only a part of the book : Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology 4th edition 2011 of authors: Connie R. Mahon, Donald C. Lehman and George Manuselis. If you want to view the full content of the book and support author. Please buy it here: https://goo.gl/IawVC1